couscous and shrimp salad
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Lunch Blues

Between the time I wake up and leave for work, I have only 2 hours to make the lunch for both of us. Maybe super moms can make lunch and get dressed up, but I am not. And it’s already 10 pm when I get time to check the clock after dinner. I barely have no energy at that time to make a huge lunch except making some quick 15 minutes salad for the next day.

I generally make a sandwich or wrap for my lunch. For the past couple of days, I am really bored with Sandwich. Even if I bring a sandwich to work, I end up feeding that to my husband 😉 and buy a packet of chips for me. So last Friday, I was browsing different lunch options and downloaded few cookbooks for lunch on my kindle touch. No, I did not follow any cook book to make this – I just did it on my own.

I used Trader Joe’s Israeli Couscous. You can add many things to this like adding black olives, shallots, green onions, baby spinach. Sadly, I did not have them in my home.

I had this with mango – banana – pineapple smoothie. Also very low in calorie!

couscous and shrimp salad
couscous and shrimp salad

Couscous Salad with Shrimp

  1. Prepare the couscous according to the packet direction.
  2. Pan fry the shrimp with butter, salt and pepper.
  3. Chop the greens
  4. Mix it with all ingredients and enjoy


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