Brunch 2 comments

Homemade Granola Recipe

No matter how delicious the lunch that I prepare my husband is, he will never eat it. He is a die-hard lover of yogurt and granola. Even after dinner, if he is in the mood for dessert, he will have a bowl of granola and yogurt. I am not a granola person like him but I love to munch on granola every now and then.


Granola is very light-weight but dense in calories. It’s best with yogurt or milk. On mornings that you do not have time to eat breakfast try a bowl of yogurt and granola. Not only is it healthy but also keeps you energetic until lunchtime.



A few weeks ago when my recipe was published in The Boston Globe, there was a granola recipe next to mine. After my mother-in-law read it she told me that she had a better one.  The first time we tried her recipe we did not have any molasses and we replaced it with honey and maple syrup. Trust me, the only thing you should not miss in a granola recipe is Molasses. So make sure you have it before you start this recipe. Despite its inadequate constituents,  I did not trash my creation. Even without its primary ingredients my husband finished it within a week.

During our next visit to supermarket we decided to get a bottle of molasses and gave so we can give it another try.  This time it came out perfect!! Not many of you know how much I despise failing a recipes. I will keep trying until it’s perfect won’t post until I am happy with how it came out.

This is a perfect snow day or weekend recipe. I recommend trying it on a day that you are confined to the home. The lingering smell of molasses, ginger and coconut from your kitchen takes you to a divine place. If you love ginger you can add more than one teaspoon of it.


Homemade granola is much better than the store bought kind and it only takes five minutes to prepare.  Consider this the next time you reach for a bag of granola at your local supermarket.



My Mother-in-law said the recipe is from How to cook everything by Mark Bittman.

Note: I have used  2 cups of chopped nuts, which I am planning to reduce to 1 cup in future.

Prep Time : 5 minutes. Cook Time : 45 minutes


1. Mix the dry ingredients together, except the dry fruits.

2. Mix the wet ingredients together.

3. Mix both until thoroughly combined.

4. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. In a large roasting pan spread mixture evenly distributed.

5. Bake in oven for about 45-50 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure even browning. The browner it gets (w/o being burned) the crunchier it will be.

6. After removing it from the oven, cool the pan on a rack and stir until room temperature.

7. Mix in the chopped dried fruit.


  1. Glad to hear your recipe got published in The Boston Globe. Way to go gurl. Love your pics of granola. I love granola, will hunt for some molasses in super markets over here, i’m definitely gonna try to add molasses to my granola

  2. Dolphia Nandi Arnstein

    Thank you Jyothi. I so far have 5 recipes with BostonGlobe and coming 4 more 🙂

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